Ashley Perich

Andrew Pierce and Ashley Hudson became inseparable when they first met. Ashley was 17 years old and hadn't had any type of relationship, and so took everything very slow. It was obvious that they loved each other from the very first site. Andrew requested God at New Year's Eve, just prior to 2016, to give him another blessing in the year 2016. Andrew wanted Ashley to agree. Ashley wanted to have the wedding with a rustic, folk theme which reflected her as well as Andrew. Their wedding day consisted of everything they loved. Ashley grew in the 40 acres of land selected as the venue for their wedding. Ashley went on a walk around the region and was having fun with every way they walked towards the fields where they exchanged vows. In addition, Andrew and Ashley have walked through the area many times when they first began dating. Because almost everything was made by the bride and groom, it was essential to personalize the wedding. Ashley painted and made a lot of the decor, while Andrew and Ashley's dad created the ceremony seating and arch. Ashley states, "Our wedding would not have been the dreamy experience I've always imagined if Anna's beautiful flowers hadn't been put in place." It's truly amazing.

 Ashley Nicolle Wallace  Ashley Perich  Ashley  a  s Perich  Ashley f h  Perich


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